Sunday 29 April 2012

Film Evaluation 2/7

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Our film shows typical, everyday people that an audience can relate to, we believe that this creates a sense of realism, and connections can easily be made with the viewer.

However, stereotypical things like teenagers in hoods are used to convey a sense of fear and we use this stereotype to our advantage in one of our scenes.

So mise-en-scene is a major part in our film to create fear and realism all at the same time, the different camera angles also have an effect on how things how shown, for example, the crookedness of the shot in the alley can show that something is not right and that can leas the viewer to think that something is going to happen. Also, high angles are used to show that there is a lack of power as she walks up the ally, and the fear of the director takes place as the angles change during the "bite" scene.

Lighting and colours also play a major role in our film, the "freak out" scene is very dark and therefore shows the fear of the scene, as well as the black clothing, contrasting with the white in the ally scene. Colour correction is also used afterwards to emphasise the redness of the blood.

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