Sunday 11 March 2012

Analysing first 15 minutes of a similar film and screen shots

The similar film that I am analysing is "Zombie land". First there similar because of the type of film that it is same genre, with similar takes on zombie that we are going to use in our 2 minutes opening sequence. "Zombie Land" has the good distributor Columbia that is well known for comic horror movies
Going on to the opening titles we start off with a voice over of the main chartacter telling the audience what has happened. Whilst the over over is going a flag appears giving the audeince an idea where it may be set and with the american national anthem playing badly.

Whilst the camera goes through a burnt out Washington DC, when a zombie appears over the burnt out cars above the camera to show he has more power than the human, then chases a human at great speed and then is seen eating the human.

The next shot is of the world but not a normal shot where it is blue sky and green grass but it shows a world where everything is destroyed.

After telling the audince what has happen, the main character goes on to say how it happen and how he is still alive and how he has stayed alive but using his rules. First rules of how to say alive are told and that over weight people was the first to truned into zombies.

After, explaining what has happen to humanity, the name of the distributor Columbia appears and from then on different slow montions captions come on of zombies chasing or eating the humas that are still alive,

  Whilst the main members of the cast names are shown

After the all the information about the film has been shown, the title of the film appears with a zombie chasing a human but with broken glass.

 After the opening titles have finished, it goes to an establishing shot to tell the aduience where the character is, and at this point there is still a voice over tell the audeince where he is as he has not spoken to any another character.
After establishing where the character is there is a medium close up of the character to see the emotion and fear that he is on his face as he is running away from zombies
Following the close up the main characters put his "rules" to action when 3 zombies attempt to turn him into a zombie. Through out the next next few minutes there are examples of his rules which are labeled.
After, killing the zombies the characters meets another human and speaks for the first time. Speaking to the other character the main character realised that they are fighting the same cause to stay alive and find out that they are heading in the same direction.

 To pass time, the voice over explains what his life was like before the zombie invasion began and his first encounter with a zombie. Over all i think some shots are similar to our film.

In relation to our film, there will be a lot of similarities between "Zombie Land" and our film "The Zombie Project" such as the chase sequence at the beginning where the zombies are chasing the humans which we are using similar shots.

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