Friday 30 March 2012

Treatment for the first 2 minutes

Our film is currently under the working title "The Zombie Project" we are not yet sure whether this is final yet but we have the graphics for the title and production name

It follows a character called Vince Noir who is a small time director making horror movies. However, the stress caused by his newest film causes him to go over the edge and take things literally. Beth and the "Zombie" both notice this change in Vince and become suspicious of the way he that he becomes very serious about the film and how he does not look healthy.

Beth and the "Zombie" believe it to be stress that is causing this, however it is revealed that, due to a constant exposure to horror films, his mind has become tainted and ends up becoming the very thing thing that he makes films of.

He is unimpressed with the performance that is given by Beth and the "Zombie" and this tips him over the edge. This sudden change of character ironically causes Beth and the "Zombie" to run for their lives in reality.

We see numerous changes in setting to show this sudden plot twist, such as a change in lighting and location. This leads Vince eventually managing to chase down Beth and and in which, Beth now becomes the victim of cannibalism, after this, Vince disappears into the darkness, which ends the 2 minutes at a point , but also leaves room for a full film to develop.

All this makes up the first part of Act 1, and introduces the themes, plot and characters for the rest of the film.

Thursday 29 March 2012

Zombie Makeup Trial.

After looking at my zombie makeup research i though i should test some ideas for our own zombie makeup. 
Ive tried to make myself look tired and dead. I have also added some tear marks under my eyes so that its obvious i've been through hell. Also i have made it look like i have blood on my face to make it look authentic.

Shooting Script

Shot 1 - Establishing shot - Human 1 - Dramatic music will be playing
Shot 2 -  Long shot running round corner to lift. - Dramatic music will be playing
Shot 3 - CU of hand franticly pushing lift button.- Dramatic music will be playing
Shot 4 - CU of face looking around corner.- Dramatic music will be playing
Shot 5 - LS of zombie running down the stairs.- Dramatic music will be playing
Shot 6 - LS of human running in to corridor.- Dramatic music will be playing
Shot 7 - LS of zombie running into corridor.- Dramatic music will be playing
Shot 8 - LS human running through corridor in fear.- Dramatic music will be playing
Shot 9 - LS Zombie running round corner into corridor.- Dramatic music will be playing
Shot 10 - LS zombie running through corridor.- Dramatic music will be playing
Shot 11 - CU on zombie looking from left to right.- Dramatic music will be playing
Shot 12 - LS down corridor while human running away then turns round to look at camera.- Dramatic music will be playing
Shot 13 - CU of humas face.- Dramatic music will be playing
Shot 14 - Eye Line Match to LS of zombie of zombie running down corridor.- Dramatic music will be playing
Shot 15 - Back to human turning head and continuing to run forward.- Dramatic music will be playing
Shot 16 - LS with the zombie chasing after the humas with both of them in the shot.- Dramatic music will be playing
Shot 17 - LS of human tripping and falling over, zombie pretending to eating the numan.- Dramatic music will be playing
Shot 18 - CU on zombie face changing from scary to laughing. - Muisc stops.
Shot 19 - Over the shoulder shot, while movie is playing and vince is watching. Zooms out
Shot 20 - Medium CU of Vince. - Chilling music starts
Shot 21 - Back to over shoulder shot. - Chilling music
Shot 22 - Establishing Shot. Sees vince with his heads in his hands. - Chilling music
Shot 23 - CU moving hand aways from face and reaching for the floor.- Chilling music
Shot 24 - CU of reaching into bag.- Chilling music
Shot 25 - Medium CU of Vince leaning up and placing book on table. - Chilling music
Shot 26 -  CU of book, and Vince begins to turn pages and see zombie pictures. - Chilling music
Shot 27 - CU looking on screen. - Chilling music
Shot 28 - CU of screen which is the two actor messing around. - Chilling music andthe laughter of the actors.
Shot 29 - Wide shot of Vince shattering papers of floor. - Chilling music
Shot 30 - Medium Close up looking up slowly and pulls chair back towards desk.- Chilling music
Shot 31 - CU on screen, opening Facebook, and looking at posts which shows where he actors are.- Chilling music
Shot 32 - CU of Vinces face. - Chilling music
Shot 33 - LS walks out of room. Walks past cameras. - Chilling music
Shot 34 - Establishing Shot of Church and grave yard. Both girls walking through gates of church. Dramatic music
Shot 35 -  WS of girls walking through grave yard. Sees Vince in the shadows. -Dramatic music
Shot 36 - WS from behind the girls where Vince attacks the Beth (Human) -Dramatic music
Shot 37 - LS of Philippia (Zombie) Runs away. -Dramatic music
Shot 40 - WS of Human lying in blood. -Dramatic music
Shot 41 - LS of Vince running up at a creepy alley. -Dramatic music

Some shots may change on the day of shotting, so that it works with our film on that day.

Thursday 22 March 2012

Research into similar films.

Research into similar films - Dawn of the Dead

Dawn of the Dead is a 2004 horror film directed by Zack Snyder in his directorial debut. It is a remake of George A. Romero's 1978 film of the same name and stars Sarah PolleyVing Rhames, and Jake Weber. The film depicts a handful of human survivors living in a Milwaukee, Wisconsin shopping mall surrounded by swarms of zombies. The film was produced by Strike Entertainment in association with New Amsterdam Entertainment, released by Universal Pictures and with cameos from original cast members Ken ForeeScott Reiniger and Tom Savini.

This film is a horror film and follows the trends of previous zombie movies showing the survivors doing what they do worst and trying to survive, the zombies and following a recent trend where instead of slow moving zombies they sprint.

Horror films deal with the viewer's nightmares, hidden worst fears, revulsions and terror of the unknown. Although a good deal of it is about the supernatural, if some films contain a plot about morbidity, serial killers, a disease/virus outbreak and surrealism, they may be termed "horror".
Plots written within the horror genre often involve the intrusion of an evil force, event, or personage, commonly of supernatural origin, into the everyday world. Themes or elements often prevalent in typical horror films include ghosts, torture, gore, werewolves, ancient curses, satanism, demons, vicious animals, vampires, cannibals, hauntedhouses, zombies and serial killers. Conversely, stories of the supernatural are not necessarily always a horror movie as well.

Chase Scenes in Shaun of the Dead

Throughout our short film we will have 2 chase scenes, I have done research into how a film can create tension and emotion through having certain action packed scenes throughout a film.
In Shaun of the Dead there are a lot of these chase scenes and have influenced our writing and how certain comedy/horror elements can be implemented into these scenes.

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Chase clips in ZombieLand.

In our movies, we are going to involve a chase scene twice This means that we are going to have to look at different existing chase scenes to make sure we can pull it off. 
These photos below show some parts of the zombie land opening sequence, this gives mostly long shots of the chase because they are put into slow motion.

Zombie Makeup.

These photos above show some ideas that we were thinking about for the make up for the zombie. We want to make sure that it is easy to tell apart the human and the zombie but we dont want to go aver board because it could make it look fake rather than impressive.

Final Movie Logo.

This is our final logo for our title sequence, it is easy to see the name and it sticks to the idea of using red white and black. This then ties in with the established themes of dark and blood that go with the concept of zombie related films.


Project Zombie
The zombie Project
Theres an issue with the Zombies.
How to kill a zombie.
Zombie problem.

These are a few of the names we have looked at. Out of all of these we have chosen to use THe zombie Project. This will look good on a titel sequence.  

I'm going to make a logo out of this that we can flash on at the beginning of the film.

Existing Zombie Film names and titels. Existing Zombie Film names and titels.

These existing logos have similarities in them, they all have either black white, or red as a prominent colour. Im going to stick to this idea when making my logo.

Friday 16 March 2012


Death Valley is another influence on our film, it uses certain camera techniques to achieve emotion and also a quick amount of cuts to create tension between certain scenes as well.

It also uses very vibrant make-up as well in order to convey a sense of horror and fear across to the audience, which integrates the audience into the film more.


For our costumes, our main character, Vince Noir, would be wearing quite dark apparel in order to reflect his personality and to create a sense of fear.

However, the rest of the cast will be wearing casual clothing in order to show their normality and also create emotion between the characters as they will be more able to connect to them more easily

Thursday 15 March 2012


Our film will compromise of a various amount of props and costumes to create a sense of realism and to portray the characters in certain ways. As well as some things being necessary to our film, for example, our film, being a zombie/comedy, would require a lot of fake blood to be used so that the film is more interesting to the viewer.
A simple tube of fake blood could be bought for a very small price and would make the the film more believable and more entertaining to watch. They can also be bought from any supermarket as well, and may be the only prop we may need to buy for our film

Research into the Genre

The horror movie has developed over many years. There are many films that could not be classed as a 'zombie' movie but a character that sleep walk may have the characteristics of a zombie. There are horror films that have two sub genres, that are similar to ours. A 'Zom-Com' is a Zombie horror film and a Comedy all in on. These genre will use all the stereotypes but in an over exaggeratedly funny way. Examples of these would be ' Shaun of the dead' made in 2004 and 'Zombie land' made in 2009. These films employ their own stereotypes, such as the way of the main character, a bumbling fool who can overcome any obstacle.

Roles within the group


Sam Scarfe - Vince Noir , Camera

Philippa Revitt - Zombie and Human 2, Camera

Bethany Bostwick - Human 1, Camera

Sean Martin - Camera, Director

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Themes of a horror movie

There a many themes to a horror movie such as:
  • Obsession
  • Investigation
  • Paranoia
  • Mind Games
  • Surprise
  • Ghosts
  • Zombies
In relation to our film we are using some of these themes in order to scare our target audience. We are planning to use obession with director, and Zombies as the obession is with zombies being to take over the director.

Questionnaire on Facebook

This is the link to our group questionnare so that we can find out about what peoples choice of film maybe. Our questionnaire also tell people who answer it about the plot of our film, where they can judge to see how good they think the plot is.

Similar Film (28 Weeks Later)

28 Weeks Later is a 2007 english/spanish film about a zombie apocalypse that takes place in England, during this we follow certain characters through different changes in the plot and we get to see their different  it contains some of the things that inspired us to come up with ideas for our script and how certain things should be done such as camera shots and how to build up tension by using sound effects etc.

Certain colours are used in a similar way as well, for example, a lot of grays and red would contrast well within our movie.

Also, the costume design and props would also have an affect on how out film is made and also how certain things should be portrayed.


The film takes it time to introduce the characters in the film without dragging on the plot, this is important as it makes you care about the characters so you are connected to the plot a lot more.

Final Logo.

We wanted a bold font that would be easy to read at a distance. Also a colour scheme that would tie in with the type of films our company wanted to appear to produce. The dark red and grey are both dark colours but you can easily tell them apart. Also the white background with the black shadowing makes the writing stand out against the background.There is a solid black boarder around the logo because it gives the feeling that its on a T.V screen.

This is our design of our company logo. It's good because it has a colour scheme that ties in with the theme of the movie. This isn't necessarily important but it means it'll look better on the opening sequence.

Possible Company Name.

We all spent time thinking about relevant names that would be appropriate for a film. The ones below are a few we came up with that could be used for our company name.

PBSS Pictures.
Group 16.
Messed Up Movies.
Independent Film.
A.422(a) productions.
Room on the 4th floor films.
Fly on the wall productions.
Media Movies. 
Messed Up Movies.

We decided on Messed Up Movies because it goes with the theme of the movie and therefore gives an overall impression of the film. We have also done some sketches of what the logo will look like and then made the final logo on photoshop.


These are screen shots of the questionare that we have sent out for people to fill in about our film.

This is a link to the official questionare that people will be able to fill in.

Sunday 11 March 2012

Research into Similar Films - Zombie Land


Zombie Land was made in 2009 and is an american horror/ thriller. The film is centered round a human Columbus who finds himself alone in a world being over taking by flesh eating zombies. Looking for his family he acquaintance with Tallahassee who also has survived the zombies. Traveling together. Whist on their way the two meet Wichita and her younger sister Little Rock, the sister are con artists but fail to gain the boys wepons, which leads them to steal there car. After catching up with the girls at Pacific Playland an amusement park which is supposedly zombie free. After time a battle breaks out between the 4 humans and an army of zombies and Columbus and Tallahassee find themselves trapped in the drop ride, but then Tallahessee creates a distraction and locks himself in a games booth which gives Columbus time to go after the 2 sisters. In the end the battle is won and Columbus realises what hes been missing: a family.

This film is simillar to ours because we have made the zombie relate to the ones in Zombie Land by having them run at a fast pace and the characteristics of the zombie will also be simillar.

Review -

The horror comedy Zombieland is smart enough to cut to the chase: the blighters have taken over, there are scattered survivors, off we go. One of these is our narrator, played by the endearingly unheroic Jesse Eisenberg, who begins the film with the list of rules he’s devised to prolong survival for as long as possible -- avoiding bathrooms, for instance, for the simple reason that the way out is the same as the way in, and sitting in a cubicle is effectively serving yourself up to the undead in a lunchbox.

He hitches a lift with a gun-toting redneck from Florida, in which role Woody Harrelson is perhaps inevitable, but still good company, and before long two sassy sisters (Emma Stone, Abigail Breslin) have joined them on the road. The destination in Ruben Fleischer’s film is never quite the point -- it has an amiable, episodic randomness, as the quartet battle and scavenge their way from supermarket to roadside boutique to Beverly Hills mansion, complete with surprise cameo from a slumming-it Hollywood legend. Eisenberg, with this and the underrated Adventureland, is carving out quite the niche in shy, virginal heroes we’re keen to see get laid; his likely partner is the hugely promising Stone (Superbad, The Rocker), a tough cookie who projects the aura of being wiser than her years.
The fact that the stakes never feel especially high ought to be an asset, but it isn’t, quite. Cultish slacker cool isn’t something you can work to achieve -- you have it or you don’t -- and Fleischer is angling for it just a tad too hard. For all the splattery takedowns of groaning extras, it’s fitting that Zombieland ends up in an amusement park, because it basically is one. You get your money’s worth.

Films that are the same Genre

  • 28 Days later
  • ZombieLand
  • Dawn Of The Dead
  • Night Of The Living Dead
  • Resident Evil

Analysing first 15 minutes of a similar film and screen shots

The similar film that I am analysing is "Zombie land". First there similar because of the type of film that it is same genre, with similar takes on zombie that we are going to use in our 2 minutes opening sequence. "Zombie Land" has the good distributor Columbia that is well known for comic horror movies
Going on to the opening titles we start off with a voice over of the main chartacter telling the audience what has happened. Whilst the over over is going a flag appears giving the audeince an idea where it may be set and with the american national anthem playing badly.

Whilst the camera goes through a burnt out Washington DC, when a zombie appears over the burnt out cars above the camera to show he has more power than the human, then chases a human at great speed and then is seen eating the human.

The next shot is of the world but not a normal shot where it is blue sky and green grass but it shows a world where everything is destroyed.

After telling the audince what has happen, the main character goes on to say how it happen and how he is still alive and how he has stayed alive but using his rules. First rules of how to say alive are told and that over weight people was the first to truned into zombies.

After, explaining what has happen to humanity, the name of the distributor Columbia appears and from then on different slow montions captions come on of zombies chasing or eating the humas that are still alive,

  Whilst the main members of the cast names are shown

After the all the information about the film has been shown, the title of the film appears with a zombie chasing a human but with broken glass.

 After the opening titles have finished, it goes to an establishing shot to tell the aduience where the character is, and at this point there is still a voice over tell the audeince where he is as he has not spoken to any another character.
After establishing where the character is there is a medium close up of the character to see the emotion and fear that he is on his face as he is running away from zombies
Following the close up the main characters put his "rules" to action when 3 zombies attempt to turn him into a zombie. Through out the next next few minutes there are examples of his rules which are labeled.
After, killing the zombies the characters meets another human and speaks for the first time. Speaking to the other character the main character realised that they are fighting the same cause to stay alive and find out that they are heading in the same direction.

 To pass time, the voice over explains what his life was like before the zombie invasion began and his first encounter with a zombie. Over all i think some shots are similar to our film.

In relation to our film, there will be a lot of similarities between "Zombie Land" and our film "The Zombie Project" such as the chase sequence at the beginning where the zombies are chasing the humans which we are using similar shots.